Women in Ministry Part 3

New DayBlog


In His Image He Made Them Male and Female

Somehow I overlooked that “in His image He made them male and female.” For years I carried the notion that The Lord made Adam and then, as an afterthought, made him a woman as a “helper.” Eve, being an inferior creation, was there merely to complement and assist her husband.

I knew that Adam was made in the image of God. Jesus is called the last Adam and He Himself came in the form of a man. It was a paradigm shift for me to grasp the reality that the IMAGE OF GOD Himself is only FULLY revealed in both men and women alongside one another.

Masculine and Feminine

The Lord is spirit. He is neither male nor female. In Him is both masculinity and femininity. In Him is Paternity and Maternity. He is both nurturer and protector. He is the head and the heart of His family. He leads and He feeds. He blazes like fire, yet sings over His little ones. He soothes and admonishes; caresses and corrects.

I picture it this way: Fatherhood is the bedrock of community; it is the soil from which everything emerges and furthermore the seed within it. Motherhood is the rain that gives life to the ground. It is the love of a father that brings structure to all life. It is the love of a mother that causes it to be nourished and to grow.

Scriptural Examples of Mothering Leadership

In the scriptures, there are 3 examples that spring to my mind in which Godly men express their leadership in a mothering way.

  1. Jesus approaching Jerusalem cried out “How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!” (Matthew 23:37)
  2. Moses laments to The Lord:  “Did I conceive all these people? Did I give them birth? Why do you tell me to carry them in my arms, as a nurse carries an infant, to the land you promised on oath to their ancestors?” (Numbers 11 v 12
  3. Paul, in his letter to the Thessalonian church asserts: “ But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother taking care of her own children.  So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us. “ (I Thessalonians 2:7 – 8)
For a long time I have pondered these statements. As I read these remarks made by powerful men, I noticed an underlying proclamation. I hear men saying that at specific moments in their ministry they feel the parenthood of God pulsing through them, causing them to feel and relate like Mothers as well as Fathers.


The Leadership of Men and Women


The leadership of men in the family, the community and the church is pivotal. It is essential. Generally, men lead with strength, logic and strategy. They reveal the power and decisiveness of God. The leadership of women is also essential in the family and the community. Women tend to lead with empathy and with intuitiveness. They nurture and bring life. They comfort and nourish.I love the biblical account of Deborah’s leadership. During her song (recorded in 1 Judges chapter 5) she declares an insight that has shaped my understanding of the role of women in leadership.

Village life ceased, it ceased in Israel,
Until I, Deborah, arose,
Arose a mother in Israel.

Here Deborah is reflecting that there was a deterioration in the safety and function of the community until she came to a place of prominence as a judge of Israel. I think that Motherhood is a key in “village life.” I think that motherhood raises up community. Women are inclined to prize and nurture community. They tend to prioritize relationships. They are predisposed to be gatherers. I think women, by design, are emotionally intelligent. They feel and they feed.


Stephanie JonesStephanie Jones is the co-pastor here at New Day, alongside her husband Scott.  With their 4 children, they moved from Michigan to Summerville to start New Day Community Church over 4 years ago.  Stephanie has been radically impacted by the Father’s love and makes it her life’s mission to impart what she has with those around her – healing of the heart, hearing God’s voice, evangelism and flowing in the prophetic.  You can listen to their sermons and read more about them on our main site:  http://newdaychurchsc.com